Graduate Fellowships

Freedom and Focus: Support Graduate Fellowships
Recruiting the most promising scholars from around the world gets more competitive each year. Multi-year graduate fellowships are vital to attracting and retaining the most talented candidates. Therefore, we plan to raise $60 million in additional philanthropic support from alumni and friends for our graduate students.
A fully endowed ($1,500,000) fellowship at Caltech provides more than tuition and a stipend; it offers students the freedom and flexibility to take risks and push the frontiers of knowledge and innovation.
Most endowed fellowships do not tether graduate students to advisers, laboratories, or federal grants, so graduate students are free to explore and partner with the research groups of their choice. This latitude sparks interdisciplinary problem-solving collaborations, and the cross-pollination of ideas across campus.
“The true value of a fellowship at Caltech is immeasurable. Fellowships provide students with freedom and resources to venture into uncharted areas of research.”
— David Chan, Professor of Biology and Dean of Graduate Studies
Your gift to graduate fellowships will give students the flexibility they need to pursue novel ideas on the path to breakthroughs that keep Caltech’s research enterprise on the leading edge of discovery.
Want more information?
Download the latest factsheet on graduate fellowships.
Want to explore establishing a permanent, endowed fellowship?
Please email or call (626) 395-4863.
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